
Process Journal, part 2. including images with Are.na

"How to include images in your Bear Blog by uploading them to Are.na"

Sign up for an "Are.na" account (if you don't have one): https://are.na

Upload any images you want to include in your post in our shared class channel: https://www.are.na/laurel-schwulst/link-link-link

After uploading, go to the image you want to include and find its permalink / URL. Copy it.

Go back to your post on Bear Blog and include it as an image in Markdown format:

![Alt-text of image goes here](https://d2w9rnfcy7mm78.cloudfront.net/myimage.png)

Paste your image's URL into that format and write some alt-text (textual image description for blind / low-vision people) inside the brackets.